Tax Consulting

Our objective is to provide certainty and stability to companies in the fiscal, accounting and foreign trade areas in the fulfillment of the obligations before the Federal, State and Municipal authorities.

For us it is essential to maintain good communication with owners, shareholders, managers and those responsible for the tax-accounting area of ​​our clients. In this way we can know your projects and needs and thus provide services in an optimal and timely manner, as well as provide a tax strategy with the aim of contributing justly, based on the current legal framework, taking advantage of all the benefits of possible tax provisions.

In this area we offer the following services:

  • Preparation of projections of ISR and PTU.
  • Support in the management and / or response to promotions, requirements, and audits that the company receives from the tax authorities.
  • Interpretation and analysis of the various financial studies.
  • Preparation of legal and accounting tax studies of changes in tax regime.
  • Analysis of the internal control of companies.
  • Preparation and / or support in the filing of Annual Declarations that correspond to your company.
  • Analysis and interpretation of financial statements.
  • Preparation and / or review of obligations to Social Security, SAR and INFONAVIT.
  • Support in the preparation of Pitex and Altex procedures in case of Presentation of viable alternatives so that they can make withdrawals on profits at a lower cost in accordance with current tax provisions.
  • Completion of Comprehensive Financial Restructuring.
  • Carry out financial diagnoses.
  • Carry out strategic, legal, financial and fiscal planning.
  • Study of concerted financing.
  • Project evaluation.

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